25,000 premium prize bond purchase form. The lucky first prize winners, two in total, received a whopping Rs. 25,000 premium prize bond purchase form

 The lucky first prize winners, two in total, received a whopping Rs25,000 premium prize bond purchase form  The draw # 10 of the Rs

Policy, Rate of Tax is 15% of prize value for Filers, and 30% of prize value for Non-Filers. After filling out the form submit it to the concerned department. 40,000 through. Previous Rs. Latest Prize BondYou can easily check the 25000 prize bond draw list and list of other prize bonds also here. Series : COMMON DRAW. Rs. 25,500,000 Rs. 40000 Prize Bond Draw Today. Currently premium prize bonds are issued by State Bank of Pakistan for Rupees 25000 and 40000 prize bonds. Prize Bond Draw Schedule for year 2023. Draws 2018. The Best place for all the information about Prize Bond Scheme in Pakistan. 25000 Prize Bond List. Check the Schedule of Rs. 86% 25,000/- 3. The premium prize bond scheme is a popular investment option for. 40000 prize bond result Draw # 26 This draw held at Quetta on 11-Sep-2023 by National Savings Pakistan. 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners and result of 25000 Premium Rupees held in Lahore, Pakistan. Prize Bonds Rules 1999 and Prize Bond Refund Rules 1963, provided that prize money is. . Check Draw number 4 results, inam, guess and winning numbers, search Draw No. Registered in the. Prize Bond 25000 List. Draws 2016. 25000 prize bond draw was held in FAISALABAD city on Draw Date : 12 Jun, 2023. 7 billion a year ago. Winning Amount of Rs. 25,000 was held in Faisalabad on 12 June 2023. 15000 Draw result by date below. 40000 Premium Prize Bond Draw Results on this page. 25,000/- Premium Prize Bonds (Registered) on the prescribed application form attached at Annexure A. 15 Dec 2023 Friday. 25000 and Rs. DAY. A notification issued by the federal government on Thursday showed that the Rs15,000 and Rs7,500 bonds will be discontinued. 40000 Premium Prize Bond Draws every quarter. KYC Form and Templates; UNSC/NACTA List; Products. Rs 25000 Prize bond result, 25000 prize bond results online پرائز بانڈ and 25000 Rs. According to the National Savings Representative The first prize, the premium bond worth 25,000 is worth 30 million rupees. The Best place for all the information about Prize Bond Scheme in Pakistan. This event, steeped in tradition and significance, brought together participants from across the nation. Prize Bond 750 List . 100/- Draws Is registration for purchase of Premium Prize Bonds mandatory?. YES NO Mode of Payment CASH Cheque/Pay Order/DD No. 25000 premium prize bond draw? Well, your wait is finally over. 25000 Prize bond Draw list 2023- Balloting for Lucky Draw No. 40,000/- Denomination Premium Prize Bond (Registered) HELD AT QUETTA Draw No. Bank Name: Branch Name: Amount Rs. 1500, Rs. 40000/-03: 25,000,000: 2nd Prize: Prize Bond RS. Rs. Additionally, there are three. 200 Prize Bond Draw Result Listings. 100 Prize Bond Draws every quarter. 30,000,000 and it will be awarded to 3 lucky winners. Rs. Each denomination draw comes 4 times a year, and people get prizes. They can not be purchase online. Muzaffarabad will host 24 prize bond draws of Rs 40000 on 12/06/2023. eg From : 786123 To : 786130. The upcoming prize bond draw of Rs25000 No 9th is expected to be held on 10th March 2023 (Friday) at Hyderabad city. is awarded. Premium Prize Bond Draw Result Schedule List 25000 Premium Prize Bond Draw Result Schedule List 40000 Disclaimer: The Prize Bond Checker app is not affiliated with any official government organization or lottery authority. 25000 Premium Prize Bond Draw. Draws 2015. Following is the list of three prizes against this premium prize bond of Rs25000: The first prize will get by two lucky winners of Rs30,000,000, while five prizes of Rs10,000,000 each reserved for the second position holders. پرائز بانڈ Check Draw number 11 results and winning numbers, search Draw No. In this video we discuss FAQs of Premium Prize Bond and how to fill the form for purchase of premium prize bond. 25000 Premium Prize Bond List Draw 10 Result Faisalabad 12 June 2023: Are you eagerly waiting for the results of the Rs. Premium Bonds cash in form. M at State Bank of Pakistan, SBP BSC (Bank), Sialkot. DRAW DATE. You can see full list of Rs. Your chances improve based on the number of bonds in a series you hold. Draw # 26 Prize bond Result dated 11 September 2023 held in Quetta can be checked online or download today. I/we have already purchased a Premium Prize Bond(s) form SBP BSC Offices I/we want to receive SMS Alert for Profit and Prize Money Payment(s) on the mobile number mentioned above. @ 0. Previous Rs. Invest in the future with Pakistan's Prize Bond! Purchase the 200, 750, 1500, 25000, or 40000 denominations for a chance to win big through regular lucky draws. 4. The bondholder will be required to submit a written request for conversion of bearer bonds into Rs. 3. 25000 Premium Draw date result listed on this page. All previous and latest Prize Bond numbers and Schedule for Rs. 30,000,000 Rs. The 2nd prize of the prize bond 40000 is worth of Rs. Cheshire. 25000 1st 2 30,000,000 60,000,000. of Pakistan is offering prize bonds having face value: 100; 200; 750; 1500; 25000 (Premium Prize Bonds ) Registered; 40000 (Premium Prize Bonds) Registered Prize Bond Schedule 2023: Prize bonds are a form of government bond in which certain bonds within an issue are randomly chosen and redeemed at a higher value than the bond’s face value. 25,000/- Premium Bond: 12: 11 December, 2023. The prize bond schedule of Rs. Premium Bonds cash in form. September 30, 2021 shall be shared latest by October 1, 2021, as per the instructions. 10 today June 12, 2023 (Monday). . The draw was held at Quetta on 11-Sep-2023 by National Savings Pakistan. According to National Savings representatives, the third prize is Rs 500,000PKR. Check Draw number 10 results, inam, guess and winning numbers, search Draw No. The draws. 700. 25000 premium prize bond has taken place in Faisalabad city on 12th June 2023. 7% in the July draw, its highest rate in 15 years. 25000 Premium Prize Bond - Sialkot, September 11, 2023. 25000 Premium Bond: 12: 11-12-2023: Monday: Rawalpindi: Upcomming Draw. The bondholder shall also be required to submit prescribed application forms for registration / purchase of Premium Prize Bonds as per the procedure in vogue. Prize bonds. Find accurate information about National Savings prize bonds, download rs. fill the form and submit it with a photocopy of your original CNIC,. Rs. Key Features: Available in Rs. 30,000,000/– (25,000/-) and Rs 80,000,000/-. (40,000/-) Unlimited Investment and Tenure. Hyderabad. › Draw 96 1500 Rs 15 November 2023 Faisalabad. Then February, 25,000 and 7,500 denominations are announced in the first week of February, and 1500 and 100 prize bonds in the middle of February. Premium Bonds prize options form. 200 Prize Bond Draws every quarter. As per National Saving Representative the first prize of 25,000 premium prize bond has a worth of Rs. 25000 Premium Prize Bond List Online Check: All the draws of Rs. This Scheme is governed under Premium Prize Bonds (Registered) Rules 2017. 40,000/- Premium Bond Draw # 27 in Karachi. Prize bonds. Prize Bond Draw Schedule 2023 & 2024 of all draws list including Rs. Rs. Check Draw number 9 results, guess and winning numbers, search Draw No. 30,000,000 each, and 660 prizes of Rs. 40,000 Premium Bond. 25000 (Premium Prize Bonds) Registered; Rs. 10,000,000/- (One Cror), which will be given to 05 lucky winners of a draw from the serial. 25,000 Premium Mon, 11 Dec. You can purchase the Prize Bonds. These prize bonds have helped the government to increase its cash flow over the years. The balloting draw of 25000 Premium prize bond 2022 will start at 9:00 am in Faisalabad National savings office by announcing first and second winners Prize bond lucky number of 25000 Premium Rupees Prize bond draw 2022 Monday. This bond offers a premium prize worth Rs. Prize bond Results of Date 12 June 2023, held in Faisalabad can be checked online or download. e. Rs 25000 Draw Place. 1,000,000 – Winning Serial Number 254133 – 495442 – 912985. 100; Rs. The bondholder shall be required to submit a written request for conversion of bearer bonds to Rs. 100, 200, 750, 1500, 7500, 25000 premium and 40000 premium bonds denominations available for the prize bond buyers. Islamic Products. It is the draw # 27 of Rs. This means there is a 0. The result of Prize bond 25000 Premium September 2021 will be updated here at 530 pm. This will give you the number that you need. Denominations Draw List of 100, 200, 750, 1500, 7500, 15000, 25000 and Premium Prize Bond from January to December 2024 complete list of prize bonds Schedule of the year 2024. 2% to 3% next month. Prize Bond Lite - Prize Bond Draw Schedule 2022 of Rs. 100 Prize Bond Draw Results can be found on this page. 200/- Draw # 96 in Multan. Daily Pakistan shares a complete list of saving prize bonds 40000. 750,000, 5 prizes of Rs. Application for Transfer of Accounts (One Center to another) Application for purchase of Certificates (SC-1) Certificate Purchase Application SC-1 for DSC,SSCR. 25000 Premium Prize Bond draws. Downlaod latest prize bond list schedule for. Latest 2023 Prize Bond Details about Rs. Invest in the future with Pakistan's Prize Bond! Everything about Prize Bond in Pakistan. 200; Rs. You can also purchase the Rs. 200, Rs. 200, Rs. Available in PKR 25,000/- and PKR 40,000/- Denominations. Check online Rs. Rs 40000 PREMIUM Prize bond RESULT Held at Muzafarabad on 12 Jun 2023. 500,000/- for each winner. Draw # 9 of 25000 premium Rs. 25,000: Sun, 30 Jun 2024: 40,000: Sun, 30 Jun 2024: Resources. The minimum purchase is £100 (or £50 when you buy by monthly standing order), which provides 100 Bond numbers and, therefore, 100 chances of winning a prize. 100, 200, 750, 1500, 7500, 15000, 25000, 40000 and 40,000 Premium can be checed online or downloaded. Rs 25000 Prize bond result, 25000 prize bond results online پرائز بانڈ and 25000 Rs. Answer: No. How they can be a part. Registered in the name of investor. The. The new deadline is applicable on prize bonds of Rs. First Prize of Rs 80,000,000/- on bond number. 25000 Premium 11 Sialkot 11 September 2023 First Prize Prize No. Request a replacement prize cheque. 25,000 Premium Prize Bonds (Registered) as per the prescribed application form. Second Prize of Rs. 25000 Prize bond. Alternate for those having Rs 25,000 prize bonds: But there is no need to worry about those having these Rs 25,000 prize bonds as its alternate Government will convert these prize bonds into Premium bonds. Revision in Prescribed Investment Limit in Bahbood Savings Certificate “BSC”, Pensioners Benefit Account “PBA” and Shuhada Family Welfare Account “SFWA” with effect. Search Now. conversion of bearer bonds into Rs. The Bonds can be converted into Premium Prize Bonds of denomination of Rs. So no Application Forms required for claiming prize money or profit on these premium prize bonds. 10,000,000 is distributed among three winners. You have to compare your numbers with the bond numbers in the list below to check your work. Forms to switch to Premium Bonds. 25,000 and Rs 40,000. 25000 Premium Draw # 3 Prize bond list ki qurandazi Result held on 10 September 2021 is being announced in Hyderabad. along-with following documents. اہم! National Prize Bonds Denominations and Prizes. 062424. Draw results are available here: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PRIZE BOND DRAW FOR RS40,000 HELD ON 12 JUNE 2023. Check schedule, news, announcements and updates. 40,000. e. Winning Amount of Rs25000 Prize Bond LIST NO OF PRIZES WINNING AMOUNT (RS) Prize Prize Bond RS. You can purchase the prize bond of Rs. 15 Feb 2023 Wednesday. You can check the Draw # 9 25000 premium Rs Prize Bond List result here online. There are 3 available choices; typing, drawing, or capturing one. Advertisement. you will need to fill out an application form for the prize bond denomination you wish to purchase. Prize bond Results of Date 10 December 2021, held in Quetta can be checked online or download. Rs. 30,000,000/- each, 5 prizes of Rs. 09. Prize Bond Schedule 2023 – Lottery bonds are a type of government bond in which some randomly selected bonds within the issue are redeemed at a higher value than the face value of the bond. The State Bank of Pakistan conducts Rs. 25000 premium Rs. Daily Pakistan will publish the complete list of prize bond winners on Monday. 25000 prize bond from 1st draw to latest draw on our official website online. According to the Representative of National Savings the Worth of Rs 40000 Prize Bond First Prize is Rs 80000000 PKR, the Worth Of 2nd Prize is Rs 30000000 PKR, and the. Prize bond Results of Date 10 March 2022, held in Multan can be checked online or download. Floating profit payable upon completion of six months either from date of issuance or last profit paid. 100, 200, 750, 1500, 7500, 15000, 25000 and 40000 premium respectively can be found online on Result. The Prize bond 25000 draw result and 1st 2nd and third winners. 750/-93:. Registered in the name of the Investor. Only the amount of prize money changes in the prize bonds. The prize Bond has worth 10 million rupees. Rs 300,000. Koi bata sakta Or ab jo 25000 premium bonds start ho gayi hain thu wo kaha sy lay sakty hai? By: Bilal Ahmad on 21-12-2020. Karachi 2020-02-03 07:46:57. Search for 40000 Premium Prize Bond Winning Numbers Rs. Stay tuned for the exciting announcement as the National Savings division is set to unveil the results of the eagerly anticipated Premium Prize Bond Rs. National Savings Pakistan has omitted 25000 and 40000 prize. پرائز بانڈ Check Draw number 10 results and winning numbers, search Draw No. There is a minimum purchase of €25 (4 units). 01-03-2016. 05 till so far or rupee 25000 prize bond by National savings of Pakistan. Audio:Thanks to Youtube Audio Library: Prize Bond Schedule 2021- Lottery bonds are a type of government bond in which some bonds within an issue are randomly selected and redeemed at a higher value than the bond’s face value. The value of the Rs 40000 Prize Bond 1st Prize is 80,000,000 PKR, 30,000,000 PKRand Rs 500,000 PKR. 10-03-2022. Similarly, the third prize of Rs300,000 – awards to each of the 700 lucky winners. Indicate the date to the template with the Date feature. Check the result of Draw # 26, Rs. Prize bond draws, schedule and draw dates. Multan. 1203% chance of winning any prize. Any change in the account number, the applicant shall immediately inform the Bank. The second prize worth is Rs. 1 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners and result of 25000 Premium Rupees held in Multan, Pakistan. Second Prize of Rs 30,000,000/- on bond number. On 11th September 2023, the lucky winners of this prestigious prize bond announced. Check Online Prize Bonds Draws List 2022 and 202325000 prize bond list 2023 online check, 25000 prize bond list 2022, 25000 prize bond list 2022 online check, 25000 prize bond draw 2023. net + 92 333 9958308 ; Useful Links. 7,500, Rs. Rs. You can search winning numbers below, or click on the Rs. 15000 Prize Bond. 40000 Premium draws are. The govt of pakistan has launched the prize bonds in various denominations like 100, 200, 750, 1500, 7500, 15000, 25000, 25000 Premium and 40,000. State Bank of Pakistan holds Rs. You have the option to search for your prize bond. How to get 25,000 premium Prize Bond?. The Qurandazi of 100, 200, 750 prizes bond, 7500, 1500, 15000, and 25000 rupee prize bonds are held four times a year by Pakistan’s National. When prize bonds are drawn the winner can get his winning amount from the State Bank of Pakistan / National Saving Centre. 25000 Prize Bond Draw # 29: Held on May 02, 2019, in Karachi; 100 Prize Bond Draw # 26: Held on May 15, 2019, in Quetta; 1500 Prize Bond Draw # 78: Held on May 15, 2019, in Multan; June 2019 Draw Schedule: 40000 Prize Bond Draw # 78: Held on June 03, 2019, in Faisalabad; 40000 Premium Prize Bond Draw # 09: Held on June 10,. Top up online. The second prize was worth Rs. Any change in the account number, the applicant shall immediately inform the Bank. 11 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners and result of 25000 Premium Rupees held in Sialkot, Pakistan. PPB-1 Application for Purchase of PPB-For Individual (Single/ Jointly) Investors. The Rs 25000 Prize Bond List draw #11 Result Sialkot 11 September 2023 held today check the online result. 1,250/- each. Meanwhile, there will be 223 £25,000 prizes – up from 71 this month. of Bonds Date of Issue Office of Issue TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. gov. 9 of Rs. 25000 Premium Prize Bond Draw Result Listings. First people should obtain the prize bond 40,000 draw. 40000 Prize bond. 15,000,Rs. 10,000,000 each while 700 third prize winners were awarded Rs. 25th Draw Result of Rs. 25000/-05:Draw # 4 of 25000 premium Rs. Previous Prize Bond Draws Results. 15,000, Rs. 40,000/- Denomination of Premium Prize Bonds ( پرائز بانڈ لسٹ 40000 2023 ) First Number of First Prize of Rs. Later on, prize bonds of 11, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 15000, and 25000 were introduced. Account Maintenance. 1250/-can be claimed only from the branches of State Bank of Pakistan. FOR PURCHASE OF PREMIUM PRIZE BOND Number of Bonds Required Payment Details Denom. The total paid out by NS&I in the 65 years since the first draw in July 1957 now stands at £25. prize bond of value PKR is awarded to 1 lucky winner, while second prize of the 25000 premium prize bond of amount Rs. Mutilated/defaced bonds (if presented more than half portion of such bond along with claim form) are passed by an authorized officer if otherwise in order. 2021 Draw #03 online by savings. For Individuals. You can also check the 25000 prize bond list results of. 12-06-2017. However, these bonds shall be issued. Check online or download result today. Moreover, prize. Home of Prize Bonds Denomination Draw No. net + 92 333 9958308 ; Useful Links. The documentary requirements for the purchase of Premium Prize Bonds (Registered) are available at: @ 0. 10-12-2021. 25,000 and Rs. 40000 Premium Prize Bond List Online: All Rs. The 9# draw’s winning amount of second prize is Rs. Today is the prize bond draw of Rs25000, No 9th is expected to be held on 10th March 2023 (Friday) at Hyderabad city. 40,000, and there is this one denomination of Rs. Although the prize rate went up to 4. You can purchase the Prize Bonds. Any change in the account number, the applicant shall immediately inform the Bank. 5 1st Prize ResultAdvertisement. 1500 Prize Bond Draw List; 25000 Premium Prize Bond Draw List; 40000 Premium Prize Bond Draw List; You can check the previous results of prize bond draws here by clicking the relevant link given above. 3. You can also call 051-9226635,051-9215741 & 051-9215743. Any adult Pakistani Individual, Overseas Pakistani can buy premium prize bond. Click On Your Desired List. You have the option to search for your prize bond. Following is the table of prize bond schedule 2023 of premium prize bonds of. Bonds are issued by National Savings and State Bank of Pakistan. Pakistan’s 25000 Rupee. 25000 Prize Bond Held at MULTAN Draw No 1, Date 10-03-2021, 25000 Prize Bond at Date 10-Mar-2021, Prize bond Schedule 25000, Search Prize Bond 25000. Everything about Prize Bond in Pakistan. Time to reveal the prize details for each winner. pk. Hyderabad. The last date for encashment or conversion of Rs 15,000 prize bond was June 30, 2021, while, May 31, 2021 was for Rs. Draw 11 of 25000 Premium Bond on 11 September 2023 held in Sialkot. The form will require your personal information, including your name, address, and CNIC number. 25000/- 01 Rs 30,000,000 1st Prize Prize Bond RS. 09:10 AM | 12 Jun, 2023. 25,000 / – Premium Price Bond (Registered) on prescribed application form. gov. There are 999,999 bonds in a series. Prize Bond Of:. 200 Prize Bond Draws every quarter. Our website interduce Prize bond search features is simple to use have a 100% accurate prize bond result for you. The campaign is aimed to encourage the customers to use. 25000 Draw # 10 Prize bond list ki qurandazi Result held on 12 June 2023 is being announced in Faisalabad. The notification stated that the. 26 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners and result of 40000 Rs. Check online or download result today. 1,250 each. Moreover, the worth of the Rs200 prize bond 1st prize is Rs. Note: Prize Bond Schedule is regularly updated at Result. The bond-holder is required to submit a written application for conversion of barrier bonds to Rs. Click On Your Desired List. 200, Rs. Rs 100 Prize bond result, 100 prize bond results online, 100 Rs. Muzaffarabad will host 24 prize bond draws of Rs 40000 on 12/06/2023. These bonds had a higher face value compared to regular prize bonds. Check Prize Bond 25000 Result – 12 June 2023. 25000 Premium Prize Bond Draw 2022. LIST: NO OF PRIZES: WINNING AMOUNT (RS) Prize: Prize Bond RS. Premium Bonds prize options form. info@prizebond. Prize securities are a kind of lottery through which individuals can win a major measure of cash. Latest 25000 Premium Draw Result: 25000 Premium Rs Draw List 11 Sialkot September 2023. The 2nd prize from the premium of 25000 on the prize bond of Rs. 500,000 each. Prize bond draws, 100 Draw schedule, 100 draw List, National Savings prize bonds, download rs. 80,000,000 166714 3 2nd Prize(s) of Rs. Rafa National Savings Islamic Product (Brief Overview) Rafa National Savings Board;. The first prize is 3 crore, the second prize is 1 crore and the third prize is 3 lac each. Registered in the name of investor. Created Date: 8/17/2018 10:55:21 AM Rs. Check schedule, news. Currently, premium prize bonds are issued by State Bank of Pakistan for Rupees 25000 and 40000 prize bonds. Check free All Rs. You can also purchase the Rs. Each draw features 1 prize worth Rs. Log-In. 01-03-2017. Copy of CNIC. There is no maximum limit in number or value for purchase of Premium Prize Bonds. Prize Bond RS. The Bonds can be converted into Premium Prize Bonds of denomination of Rs. If you have more than one random numbers spearate them with comma or space (i) Search Random Numbers of Prize bond For Series you need to put six digits start number and six digits end number max 100. Each draw features 1 prize worth Rs. 15000 Prize bond also read latest updates and news about National Savings Rs. ) Total DETAILS OF PREMIUM PRIZE BOND (For Encashment/Transfer) Downloads. If you want to get this prize bond, you will end up getting a profit rate of 1. 40,000/- denominations. 2nd Prize: Prize Bond RS. Is there any limit on. 1 Prize Bonds are sold in units of €6. 12 18 days remaining. The second winning bond number drawn was 3246DR645231. and selected post offices across Pakistan. 300,000/- each. Ends At. + 92 333 9958308. 40000/- Premium Bonds Draws Rs. Here it is given: See also Premium Prize Bond Draw Schedule 2023 State Bank of Pakistan. com. Answer: In case of loss of Premium Prize Bonds, the investor is required to personally visit the Office of Issue and report the loss of instruments by submitting an.